Siyan Liu 刘思言

Siyan Liu is a photographer and conceptual artist based in China. She took an undergraduate photography course at the London College of Communication. Her central practice focuses on the marginal culture, which around transgender, ruins, and minor community. These projects include a sense of uselessness and vulnerability, trying to bring empathy to the audience.Most of her works were created by the analog camera, which she insists on the ‘Authenticity’ of photography.

刘思言生于 1999 年,毕业于伦敦艺术大学摄影学士,目前就读皇家艺术大学摄影硕士。青年艺术家,自由摄影师,现工作 生活中国。受弗洛伊德心理学和早期经历的影响,她的作品主要围绕边缘文化展开,其中有以废墟,异装癖和抑郁症人群 为主题的拍摄。作为一个普通个体在广阔世界成长过程中,她也关注人生困境中的哲学,探讨客观与主观的关系。她的镜 头语言强调真实客观,怀旧且冷静。在这些作品里,大多体现了一种无力和顽强感,并试图激起观众的同理心。她主要以 胶片相机进行创作,并坚持表达摄影‘原真性’的一面。


2021, 'IDEA?', 'XLY MoMA, Chengdu
2021, 'Redireting', Tree Museum, Beijing
2020, 'Post Mass Media’, Online Exhibition
2019, 'Cultural Shock’,Cookhouse Gallery, London